+64 9 526 6363

Some Changes...

We have a couple of big changes that we would like to share with our Marketplacers family.  

We at Marketplacers have been selling Freeset T-shirts and bags since the business began. It has been a privilege to promote the work and product of the Freeset businesses. Journeying with Freeset is something we will continue to do through their NZ distributor Liminal. Going forward, Freeset product will be available through the Liminal website www.liminal.org.nz

The Loyal Workshop
We have also enjoyed selling the high quality leather products of  The Loyal Workshop. It has been absolutely wonderful to partner with the Loyal team, and hear the stories of their artisans. Going forward, if you wish to purchase a well-crafted leather product, visit The Loyal Workshop website www.theloyalworkshop.com

A big thank you for your support of Freeset and The Loyal Workshop through our Marketplacers store. 


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